Book journal 11/12/15

Harry is at his first quidditch match. Harry is being chased by the bludger.  He sees the snitch and waits to long because the bludger hits his arm and breaks it.  But Harry caught the snitch and lands.  He goes to the hospital wing and Harry sees Dobby who admits that he made that train door work and that he had that bludger.  Dobby leaves and Harry realizes that Colon had been turned in to a statue.

Book journal 10\22\15

In the Chamber of secrets, the Dursleys are being mean to Harry. They said he is not going to Hogwarts.

He is saved by the Weeslys. He goes to the burrow. He goes to the book shop and sees Draco Malfoy. He and Ron go to Hogwarts in the flying car.

Book Journal 10.7


Cronos ate his kids. His wife Rhea cried to her mom Gia. She said to go off of Cronos’s palace. So Rhea went off of Olympus to have her next child. She gave Cronos a rock to swallow instead of her child she named Zeus.




Titan’s Curse Journal Post

The Titan’s Curse journal day one

So far, Grover has found two half-bloods, Neco and Bianca. Percy, Anabeth and Thalia have come to help bring these two half-bloods to safety at Camp Half-Blood, but the vice principal, Dr. Thorn, has kidnapped them. Percy has a feeling that he is going to give them to Luke. Percy is a half-blood, the son of Posidon. Anabeth is a half-blood daughter of Athena. Thalia is a half-blood daughter of Zeus.

The Titan’s Curse journal day two

The hunters of Artimis shot arrows at Dr. Thorn. Dr. Thorn attacked. Anabeth jumped on Dr. Thorn’s back, and Dr. Thorn jumped off of the cliff. I wonder what will happen to Dr. Thorn.

The Titan’s Curse journal day three

Neco thinks it’s cool to be a half-blood. Bianca is disappointed. She does not want to go to the camp, so she joins the hunters of Artemis. They go to camp on Apollo’s chariot with the hunters. They stay in cabin 8. Neco goes to cabin 11.